New video by The Meejah Channel on YouTube

Fake your own Camera Crew
Fake your own Camera Crew One of the challenges of being a one-person-film-operator is making your film look like it hasn't been made by a one-person-film-operator. If every shot you use is from a locked off tripod, then at some point that's going to become pretty obvious to your audience. So the trick is to make it look that at least some of the shots had a camera operator in place. for example, the opening shots in my recent Horror Short, ETO appears to show a camera tracking a car across a lonely Moorland - But it wasn't actually tracked at all. It was shot from a locked off tripod - perfectly static shots. How was that done? This video shows you how. If you are new to using keyframes, then check out this video #Moviemaking #horror #videoediting #onemanmovie Production Information with source links: This show was shot on a Nikon D5100 - and edited with Sony Vegas Pro 13 - The sound was recorded on a Zoom H1 recorder. - Lavallier Mic. - Creative Commons Media: The music used in this video is creative commons 3 kindly provided by with additional music courtesy of the Youtube Creators Audio Library. Demo background music: Far Away - Youtube Creators Audio Library. Outro Music: Nice to you - Youtube Creators Audio Library. Every other element of this video is all my own work

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